就職にも影響する?!ニュージーランドと日本の占いの違い All about horoscopes and fortune telling in Japan and NZ!
レッスンの最初5分がウォーミングアップと言いまして、お生徒さんと自己紹介的な会話が多かった。初めて会う生徒さんとレッスンのときはだいたい: 血液型、何型?っと聞かれます!
※ホロスコープや星占い ※数学
※血液型占い ※うまれ年
私は信じるか?信じないか? 考えてましたが、やはり色んな種類があって、はっきりした答えはできません(笑)
ニュージーランドの新聞や、週間雑誌Womens Weeklyなどで必ずのってます! 入社する前に、もし情報が手に入れれば、社長は何座か調べる方もいます!
ちなみに私は7月30日日生まれですので、しし座です(笑) プライドが高く、気付ききやすい、ハッピー、寛大な性格だそうです。
私の生年月日(1979.07.30)を使ってみると: 1+9+7+9=26[2+6=8] 0+7=7 3+0=3 8+7+3=18[1+8=9] 私は「9」だそうです。
慎重派、自己認識を持ってる人だとか。 日本で確かに星占いや数学もたまに見かけますが、自分が日本に来てからもっとも聞かれた質問がさっきほども言いましたが、血液型は何型? 初めて聞かれたとき、え?!血液型?!それはわからないょ!っと相手に答えました。
Jamais Jamaisさんが書いた本のシリーズ「○〇型自分の説明書」が大ベストセラーになりました!
どうやらお母さん、お父さん世代の方聞かれますが、やはり世代的なものでしょうか? ちなみに私は未年です(笑)
Hi everybody!
The other day I finally got to see beautiful Kawazuzakura Cherry Blossoms blooming in a park near me home.
I finally feel like spring is here! According to my Mum who live is Auckland even though the temperature is dropping little by little there are still people that BBQ!
That’s great! So kiwi!
The first job I had when I came to Japan was that of an English teacher. The first 5 minutes of my lesson where spent ‘warming up’ or using questions to get to know each other.
From first time students I was almost certain to be asked this one specific question:
“Whats your blood type?”
The first time I was asked about it, I was totally surprised! Why blood type? I was sure in New Zealand we didn’t really worry about what blood type people were…
This brings me to today’s theme! Fortune Telling and Horoscopes!
Do you believe in it? Perhaps yes? Perhaps not?
*Horoscope/ Star Signs *Numerology
*Blood Type Fortune Telling *Birth Year Animal Signs
Do I believe in fortune telling and horoscopes?
Well..I had a good think about it and to tell you the truth, there are so many different types I can’t really say for sure!
Okay, so have a look at the two categories of fortune telling above.
Can you guess why there are two categories? The first two are what I think are quite popular fortune telling methods in New Zealand, and the other two are the first two methods of fortune telling in Japan that I came across!
I New Zealand I think most people have heard of horoscopes, star signs and numerology and if you ask them, “What’s your star sign?” they will most likely be able to answer.
Star sign information and colomns are in the New Zealand Herald and in most weekly magazines like, The Women’s Weekly for instance.
Occasionally some people try to find their potential bosses birth date so they can figure out which star sign they are and work out what they would be like as a boss!
I’m born on July the 30th by the way so that makes me a Leo! Like the lion that Leo symbolises, my personality is proud, and easily hurt but happy generous.
Next lets have a look at numerology.
As far as I know it’s taken from you year, month and day of birth and adding all those numbers together to get a final number which reveals you personality and destiny! My date of birth is 1979.07.30 so: 1+9+7+9=26[2+6=8] 0+7=7 3+0=3 8+7+3=18[1+8=9]
It appears I am a number 9 which means I am cautious and self aware.
It is true that numerology and star signs can both be seen here and there in Japan however the most asked question I receive when meeting someone is, “What’s your blood type?” The first time I was asked, I replied, “I have no idea!”.
Intrigued, I search the internet about this blood type question. I was greeted with the information that most Japanese people knew their own blood type! It made me wonder, perhaps there was some difference in medical practice that had led to people being told or not told about their blood type?
When I was pregnant for the first time in Japan at 27 years old I finally got told I was an A blood type. Over here there are a series of blood tests necessary during pregnancy and during that time I was told. When my daughter was born the clinic told me my daughters blood type was O.
It turns out that similar to star signs, blood type horoscopes can reveal your personality, and there are even some people who check their own bosses blood type too!
A hugely popular book series by Jamais Jamais called “The Instruction Manual for Blood Type XX” became a best seller as people were interested to learn more about their own personalities and compatibility with other blood types!
After the blood type question the next most asked question for me was, “what year were you born?” At first I was like, what?? I didn’t understand why they would want to know.
I was sure that if a regular New Zealander was asked over in New Zealand they would most likely have a similar reaction!
So it turns out that I was getting asked about what we call the Japanese Zodiac (taken from the Chinese Zodian originally).
There are 12 animal signs and Japan swaps Goat for Sheep and Pig for Wild Boar. I got to know about the animal signs during the first year I was in Japan.
During the end of the year, shops had nengajo or new years greeting postcards on display, as well as small figurines of animals to be placed in the entrance to the house in the form of the animal sign for that coming year.
After researching further I came to realise that more than greeting cards, the animal signs were a way to tell ones personality and character, as well as compatibility with other animal signs.
Also as a side note, I have noticed the people that ask me also tend to be of a slightly older generation of Japanese people. Perhaps the interest in the animal signs has gotten less over generations?
By the way I am born in the year of the sheep, which people always comment “is perfect because you’re from New Zealand.” Both New Zealand and Japan have popular forms of fortune telling.
Due to differences in culture the difference of the methods of fortune telling are just huge! In my case, I’ve come to learn about the four methods I talked about above. I can pick and chose from those four to my advantage meaning I will always have a happy fortune! Fortune telling is interesting in both countries!
Try checking out the other country’s method and seeing what results you get!